Editorials of our websites launched new online system on the page donations.ndnv.org, where everybody can support work of free journalists that are continuously reporting and informing audience in Vojvodina, Serbia and whole region of Ex Yugoslavia for more than ten years. Our community can now donate smaller amounts just as Guardian included their readership in to sustainability of their work – through open subscription model.
„We are seeking for support and it is strongly important for us to get it from our audience, because we want to have independence in our work. This independence can only come from our readers and citizens, and we prefer not to cancel any of our previously visible content“, said Dalibor Stupar, journalist of VOICE and caricaturist of Autonomija.
All support that come from our readers will be transparent and visible on the counter on donations.ndnv.org online system, and Independent Journalists Association of Vojvodina (IJAV) as the Publisher of our websites, will share reports on investing donations in the work of editorials. There are also crowdfunding perks, for all people that donate within the first month of the campaign.
In order to successfully finish the donation process, we invite you to click HERE, and to select one of the portals that you wish to donate amount to (Autonomija, Hu.Autonomija or VOICE). Then select the amount and click on the button „Doniraj“. You will be transferred to the page that requires minimal personal data and payment method that you prefer: „Uplataprekoračuna“ includes info for donations in foreign currencies, and „Uplataplatnomkarticom“ is for online card payment.
Portal Autonomija in Serbian and Hungarian language is a civil society media that is informing on socio-politic atmosphere in Vojvodina and Serbia, with respectful authors and commentators, and VOICE is investigative editorial that is bringing stories from the local level and from the communities that are sometimes bypassed in big, mainstream media.
Courageous stories for courageous people! Support our work!
IJAV team